I’m a coach, mentor, and entrepreneur. I’m also a proud mistake-maker. I’m proud because I believe that we learn more in failure than success, and quite honestly, there aren’t enough people out there speaking the truth about the entrepreneurial journey—and its very real challenges.
The content within this site is intended to challenge and inspire you. I’ll share some real-world struggles, screw ups and mistakes that led to successes… as well as a few failures. The stories I share are real—gleaned from my own personal experiences and observations from years of advising fellow entrepreneurs and leaders through my work at HireBetter, Bee Cave Capital, The Controller Group+Tatum and Ernst & Young. You’ll learn a few lessons and take away inspirations that you won’t find in your run-of-the-mill, “how-to” business book.
“The pool of available talent is suddenly both changing and expanding, and visionary leaders can make the most of it…” I’ve been saying this for weeks HBR! Let’s Go!
Firing someone is never the first option, but sometimes it is a necessary step to putting your business back on the path to growth and success.
Even the best new hires can’t hit the ground running all by themselves. Here’s how to tee them up for success.